5 Reasons to Pack Your Bags. Now.

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”

–  Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky

We all know the gist – traveling rejuvenates you; it offers a refreshing break from your mundane 9-5 job; it gives you new “adventures”. Dig a little deeper, and there’s a myriad of reasons why everyone must travel.


  • Reward your hard work: Everyone works for a reason. While you dream of a palatial house by the seaside, your neighbor may be building herself a neat little fund for a new car. Traveling gives you short-term rewards to look forward to. Plan a couple of vacations a year, and it’ll give you the motivation you need to work all year round. Set up a countdown to your next holiday on your desk and drive those Monday morning blues away! On the flipside, traveling gives you enthralling memories that’ll tide you through the tough times.


  • Appreciate life: Every culture is unique, and experiencing them first hand, gives you a fresh perspective on life. You meet new people, you try new food, you witness new ways of living life. Your 9-5 job may be cushy, but how about that gondolier ferrying tourists across the Grand Canal? Or the tea picker in the Nilgiris? Visiting new places also allows you to look at your life back home from a different perspective. How much do you miss your family? Your comfort food? Your job? Many people “find” themselves when they’re away from home and come back to much happier


  • Manage your finances: Keeping a track of your expenses and savings is the source of nightmares for many. Planning a vacation is a great way to learn this the fun way! Start with a destination in mind. Find the best time to travel. Look for tickets on a roughly estimated date. You now have an idea of how much a round trip ticket to your dream destination will pinch you. Build a budget in your mind, and find hotels accordingly. Experiences last you a lifetime; but do you really need that fancy candlelight dinner every single night on your vacation? Why not sample the street fare on three nights out of seven?


  • Become interesting: Building on my earlier point on carrying memories back home that tide you through tough times, traveling also makes you a super fun friend! A lot of people, still, lack the luxury to travel to their dream Instead, they get their thrill from hearing about others’ adventures. Be sure to note down specific details of your trip – how you got there, what you ate, whom you met; weave them all into a gripping story and voila! It’s a sure shot way to appear “worldly” and adventurous in front of your buddies.


  • Become even more interesting: Let your vacations do more for you by reaping the benefits of your experiences even after you’re back. Savored an interesting dish on your night about town? Find a restaurant serving that specific cuisine back home. Better still, sign up for cooking classes and learn to whip it up for yourself! Walk up to your neighborhood and borrow books about your last (or next) destination for a seamless continuation of your holiday experience. Learn to play the ukulele. Write a travelogue. Bring home your holiday experiences and let them stay on!


Convinced? Let us know in the comments.

6 thoughts on “5 Reasons to Pack Your Bags. Now.

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  1. Great stuff Kush..You have managed to capture the gist so beautifully.. You have given me all the good reasons to pack my bags now 😀. Looking forward to such posts..👍


  2. “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”..

    Great khush… U r on rite track man.. Keep it up..


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